Gaon Hart


Gaon is the Managing Director of a corporate compliance consultancy, Legal Advisory Worldwide (L.A.W.). He develops corporate compliance programmes, collaborations and partnerships to tackle, fraud, bribery & corruption, ethics, human rights due diligence, proceeds of crime and other economic crimes. Currently, he is providing training to companies, staff and Board members on pragmatic solutions and implementation of controls to address the new ‘failure to prevent fraud’ proposed offence. He was formerly Head of Global Anti-Bribery & Corruption Advisory & Policy for HSBC Bank and a Senior Crown Advocate at the Crown Prosecution Service, Special Crime & Counter Terrorism Division. He not only holds adversarial rights in all criminal courts, but was lead prosecutor in Public Corruption, Prosecution Team Leader for the Fraud Prosecution Service and worked with two Attorney Generals to obtain cross-party support for the current counter-fraud institutions and architecture during the Fraud Review.








Gaon Hart
MD & previously at UK Crown Prosecution Service