Burkhard Mühl


Burkhard has been the Head of Department European Economic & Financial Crime Centre from December 2020. In Jan 2017 – Dec 2020, he was Head of Unit EU Policy matters and coordination at the Austrian Ministry of the Interior.

In Feb 2007 – Dec 2016, he was Head of the Europol Criminal Assets Bureau and from 1991 to 2007 he was Financial Investigator in various roles and had responsibilities in the area of combating money laundering and organised crime – Economic Crime Unit, AT – FIU, Task Force on Organised Crime – Ministry of the Interior, Austrian Asset Recovery Office. He was a Member of the AT FATF Delegation, founding member of the Egmont Group of FIUs and the CARIN Network of Asset Recovery Experts, Chairman of Law Enforcement Council Working Groups under the AT EU Presidencies in 2006 and 2018.

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Burkhard Mühl
Head of Department