Anna Bradshaw
Anna advises individuals and corporates on all aspects of financial crime and economic sanctions risk, compliance and enforcement. She is ranked in Chambers and Partners UK (2022) as “a well-known expert on anti-money laundering” and is also recommended for her specialist knowledge of economic sanctions. She is described as an “excellent lawyer”, “who understands sanctions and POCA very well”. She is ranked as a ‘Global Elite Thought Leader’ by Who’s Who Legal for her work on International Sanctions (2021 and 2022 editions), describing her as “a brilliant attorney” who is recognised as “one of the best for complex sanctions issues and related litigation”. She is also recommended by Who’s Who Legal for her work in Business Crime Defence (2021 edition), and Investigations (2022 edition).
Anna is an Associate Fellow of the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), assisting the Centre for Financial Crime and Security Studies (CFCS) with their research on US, EU and UK sanctions. She has been a member of the Law Society’s EU Committee since 2011 and has given evidence in Parliament on EU criminal law and criminal justice cooperation matters. She is Consultation Secretary to the Fraud Lawyers’ Association (FLA) and consultant adviser to Thomson Reuters Practical Law as a member of the Consultation Board for Business Crime & Investigations. She co-edits The Guide to Sanctions, published by the Global Investigations Review (currently in its third edition) and co-wrote the chapter ‘Representing Designated Persons: A UK Lawyer’s Perspective’ with Alistair Jones. She holds a doctorate in anti-money laundering regulation.

Anna Bradshaw
Partner, FC & Economic
Sanctions Compliance
Peters & Peters Solicitors