Jill Lorimer


Jill leads Kingsley Napley’s Financial Services Group and has an extensive track record in advising firms and individuals facing regulatory and criminal investigations by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Jill advises firms from across the breadth of the regulated sector on authorisation, supervisory and enforcement issues. Her clients include senior managers and certified persons caught up in investigations into potential breaches of FCA Rules and Principles. She has vast experience in advising individuals facing investigation and / or prosecution by the FCA for criminal offences and has particular expertise in representing those being prosecuted for insider dealing, including two clients who faced insider dealing charges in large, complex prosecutions: both were acquitted on all counts. Jill has a particular interest in the regulatory and criminal aspects of crypto assets and has advised a number of crypto firms seeking registration with the FCA under the UK Money Laundering Regulations (MLRs).






Jill Lorimer
Kingsley Napley LLP