SRA issues AML/TF risk assessment guidance

Firms should assess their risks and target their resources to the areas or products that are most likely to be used to launder money. The UK Government periodically undertakes a National Risk Assessment pulling together risk-based information from all...

NCA issues guidance on submitting better SARs

This document aims to provide all reporters with guidance on how to submit better quality SARs to the NCA. It should be read in conjunction with guidance found on the NCA website. The document include: Introduction to SARs, SARs Frequently Asked Questions, Reporting...

NCA issues latest edition of SARs in Action

NECC has been working with a wide range of partners to run a series of fraud intensification initiatives. SARs have played a key role within intensification activity. An example is with the intensification on money mules, which took place throughout Nov...

NCA releases latest edition of SARs in Action

The new SAR reporting is live and reporting organisations have started using the new SAR portal to submit SARs. This is a significant milestone for the Programme, as it is the first live application on the new NCA Tier 1 cloud environment. Every submission made on the...

NCA issues Guidance on submitting better SARs

When submitting a SAR to the NCA reporters must refer to the published guidance from their own regulatory body and their own internal guidance. the reason for suspicion a description of the property concerned (including value where possible) the prohibited act that...