US House on major AML reform

House of Representatives passes bill requiring that trust companies, lawyers and art dealers report suspicious activity, according to ICIJ. The Enablers Act was first proposed shortly after ICIJ’s Pandora Papers investigation exposed widespread exploitation of lax...

Board of Governors Joint Statement on RBA & CDD

Banks must apply a risk-based approach to CDD, including when developing the risk profiles of their customers. More specifically, banks must adopt appropriate risk-based procedures for conducting ongoing CDD that, among other things, enable banks to: (i) understand...

US Global ‘Summit for Democracy’

US holds global ‘Summit for Democracy’ defending against authoritarianism, combating corruption, and promoting respect for human rights. A second Summit will be held next year, in which the U.S. Govt intends to be in-person…

White House national strategy on countering corruption 

The Strategy outlines the approach to elevating the fight against corruption emphasizing on better understanding and responding to the threat’s transnational dimensions, including by taking additional steps to reduce the ability of corrupt actors to use the U.S....