FINCEN to issue its year in review for fiscal year 2023

FinCEN released its year in review for Fiscal Year 2023, providing insights into the collection and use of Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) data, its efforts to support law enforcement and national security agencies, and its analysis for alerts, trend analyses, and regulatory...

FATF revises its Rec. on combatting ML/TF & proliferation

FATF strengthens the requirements for higher risk situations, and to allow countries to take a more focused approach in areas where high risks remain or implementation could be enhanced. Countries should first identify, assess and apply resources aimed at ensuring the...

Atlantic Council publishes Global Sanctions Dashboard

This edition answers the most controversial question about the blocked Russian state assets: to seize them or not to seize them?  and proposes a solution that would transfer funds directly and quickly to Ukraine without triggering a host of legal obstacles in the...